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March 23, 2007

To Whom It May Concern:

Prospective Publishers For Wayne Scott's book

This is to recommend Wayne Scott and his writing to you for consideration toward publishing. I have interacted with him on this biblical material on sin and Christians for several years. The more we have talked the more I have agreed with him. Wayne does very good, thorough, Bible study and has read from some of the significant theologians in church history. I highly commend his approach to studying the Scriptures even though he does not go deep into the scholarly tools and literature. He grasps the point of the writer's statements from context very well. I especially have been impressed with his effort to carefully define the words/concepts in the Bible according to their usage by the Bible writers in the various contexts. This is very neglected among Christians with the result that too many people have no clear understanding of the theology referred to by the Bible terms and tend to repeat traditional ideas that have drifted far from the original Scripture texts and the intentions of the Bible writers. Even though Wayne is not a trained Bible scholar and does not back up his conclusions with the writings of recent scholars, his thorough and thoughtful reading of the Bible texts deserves a respectful hearing. It is amazing how he can answer just about any question or objection with clear statements of Scripture. Being outside the scholarly guild has actually helped him to look at what the Bible is teaching more objectively and not assume what has been traditionally understood is clearly what the Bible teaches.

I am still restudying some of the subjects and points he makes but I have yet to find any major theological, or exegetical problem. When he explains what he means and why he believes what he does, I have consistently found that I not only agree, but I have been teaching the same idea myself, and know of scholars who have come to the same conclusion. I challenge any one to hear him out before making any judgment on what he is saying. I do struggle with some of his most extreme statements against some of the protestant theological tradition but these are important issues for us to deal with and to clarify.

This book will grab people's attention and will lead them to a healthier understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith. I am very grateful for what our interaction has done to help me clarify my understanding of some very important theological points that make a big difference in the Christian life. I believe, properly marketed, Wayne's book could sell very well with Christians as well as non-Christians and be a great blessing from God to both.


Roger D. Cotton
Professor of Old Testament
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary

As a pastor for 27 years of a Wesleyan-Arminian church (the Free Methodist Church, which is a direct descendant of John Wesley and his holiness teaching), it is my privilege to recognize and to affirm the sincere and earnest labors of Wayne Scott, a layman who has diligently researched the varied and primary truths found in the Wesleyan-Armenian doctrines regarding God, Man, Sin, and Jesus Christ. He has spent countless hours reading, studying, reflecting, praying, debating, and consulting several Bible scholars and pastors as well as fellow laypersons who, like himself, are open to the "moving of the Spirit" and awakened to the power of the rightly handled Word of God. The result of his long and careful and even tedious study of Wesleyan theology is a well-thought and well-written book which is worthy of publishing. May those who take the time to read his fine book become enlightened and drawn closer to their blessed Saviour.

Reverend Ron Christian
Fort Collins, Colorado

To whom it may concern,

John Wesley, Anglican Priest and founder of Methodism, thought of himself as "a man of one book," that of course being God's Holy Word. Wayne Scott I think follows in Wesley's train in writing The Prophets' Gospel. Wayne uniquely, in his words, "lets Scripture interpret Scripture." His ability to wrest from the Old Testament Prophets and the New Testament Apostles an expositionally fresh rethinking of the Good News of Jesus Christ is challenging and refreshing. I believe Wayne Scott has much to say that he means as a freshening of the stagnant backwater of theological interpretations for our days. May it provoke many to a higher understanding and a Christlike life.

Sincerely his fellow servant,
Pastor Jim Turner
Eastridge Wesleyan Church
Albuquerque, New Mexico

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing a letter of reference for Wayne Scott.

I have known Wayne for almost 40 years. Our pathways first crossed when we worshipped in the same church with our families in the late 1960s.

As Wayne seeks to take the "next step" toward publication of his book, I can affirm the fact that he has worked tirelessly and methodically in researching the material for use in this book. He has contacted me, other pastors, and seminary leaders to ask for healthy criticism of the ideas he was writing about. He always listened carefully to my questions and considered every viewpoint. I also noticed that he has used a healthy method of biblical interpretation as he allowed "scripture to interpret scripture." In other words, he gave a healthy weight to what other scriptures had to say about a particular scripture he was trying to interpret.

For these reasons, I believe Wayne's book merits a serious consideration for publication.

Ken Lynch
Pastor, Parkview Church of God
Yazoo City, Mississippi

As a student of Church history and an amateur Bible scholar, I find Wayne Scott's book intriguing. If you have investigated the history of the Church and the ongoing debate on Calvinism and Arminianism, you will want to get and read a copy of Wayne's Book, The Prophets' Gospel. Wayne introduces the reader to Wesleyan theology and makes a convincing argument, but you will have to buy and read the book and decide for yourself.

Ron Sammons
Fort Collins, CO

The message that Wayne Scott has been raised up to deliver to the church is as old as the Book it originates from. "But as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of living." (1 Peter 1:15) Wayne's teaching tends to exalt Christ and degrade sin and selfishness. He believes that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Like the Apostle Jude, he believes that the power of the cross is the power to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. The Mount Everest of spiritual attainment is holy living and Wayne reminds us that it is not only reachable—it is required.

This book will challenge you. It will challenge you to accept the Biblical admonitions to remain clean, sanctified, holy, and without sin. The work of Christ in salvation in the life of the believer subjugates his mind and will to the mind and will of God, thus keeping him from sin. The cross has broken sin's power over you and you can walk sinless before your God and Savior Jesus Christ! The prison door is open and who the Son has set free is free indeed. Like no other book that I know of (except the Bible, of course), this book will show you God's good, acceptable and perfect will—a life of sinless perfection through faith in the blood of the cross. This is a book for those who will dare believe the Bible truth that without holiness no man shall see the Lord!

Bishop Ronald David Brown
House of Prayer International
Monroe, Louisiana

For centuries, churchianity has made a mockery of Christianity and has been a cruel placebo for millions of people seeking God. Cruel, because it deceives them into thinking they are right with God when in fact, they are being deprived from knowing, experiencing, and enjoying a life pleasing to the Creator. Occasionally, someone reads the Bible for himself and believes it rather than what people say about it. John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley, etc., stood up to churchianity, exposed it, and brought renewed hope to the people.

Wayne Scott is taking a stand for the truth of God's Word. He hopes that you and millions more will come to know that what Jesus said is possible: "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Through many years of self-sacrifice and a relentless pursuit of Biblical truth that would make an investigative reporter jealous, Wayne confirms the continuity of Scripture on what a life pleasing to God looks like.

There will be religious leaders who, like the religious leaders at the stoning of Stephen, will "plug their ears and shout loudly" to keep from hearing the Biblical truth this book reveals because it upsets their dearly beloved, man-made belief system. Avoid them. But pray for them that their eyes may be opened.

Be deceived no more!

Rev. William McClendon
Fort Collins, Colorado

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