By browsing to, you were directed to this page of the website, on which is available the book The Prophets' Gospel by Wayne Scott, as well as books that Wayne feels should be part of any Christian's library. (He quotes liberally from some of these books in The Prophets' Gospel.) Of these other books, the most highly recommended is John Wesley's Calvinism Calmly Considered. It cuts to the heart of the significant differences in the doctrines of Calvinism and Wesleyan/Arminianism, explaining in laymen's terms what being a Christian is supposed to have to do with one's behavior.
Wesley was a great thinker in an age of great Christian thinkers. Following in this tradition, the famous Wesleyan theologian C. S. Lewis came to be known as the greatest defender of the Christian faith of the twentieth century.
In Wesley's days, he attacked the Calvinist version of the gospel and Calvinists attacked his. Both sides understood that Calvinism and Wesleyanism (which he called "Arminianism") represented two completely different and mutually exclusive gospels in a world where there can only be one. In stark contrast to these men is the mentality of a growing segment of today's Christianity, which seems to have the idea that it doesn't matter what we believe as long as we believe.
The problem with our modern-day church is its well-documented immorality. (This is a recent phenomenon in church history.) Its immorality is rooted in its belief system. Immoral Christians are usually not living in rebellion to what they believe, they are living what they believe. They have believed a lie about the reason Jesus came.
In this insightfully written easy-to-understand two-volume work, John Wesley communicates the very real, significant differences in the Calvinist and Wesleyan versions of God's New Covenant plan of salvation. In the end, you will see that the doctrines of Wesleyanism, when understood and applied, support a victorious overcoming Christian life. You will also see that the salvation doctrines of Calvinism have broken out of bounds, infiltrating churches that have traditionally been Wesleyan in their doctrines and teaching, corrupting their belief system and their morality.
If you would like to order a copy of Calvinism Calmly Considered, see the instructions on the Order page.